Jealousy is a common thing when you're young.
Let me put it to you this way...
Is she still seeing those guys?
Is she seeing you NOW?
Is she faithful to you NOW?
When you get down to it, THIS is all that really matters.
She's NOT with them anymore, she's WITH you.
Calm down and try to have fun shagging her rotten.
The past is just that... PAST.
Everyone has one.
What are you gonna do, break up with her and ONLY date virgins from now on?
YOU are her choice.
Be happy with that.
It's like that comedian once said, "Your woman, she good in bed? Yeah? Well... How you think she got that way?"
Don't lose out on a good relationship hung up on previous sexual partners.
She with you now, you're with her. Have fun.
End of story.
If you can't make fun of yourself...
Well at least there's always the French!
Those chese-eating surrender monkeys!