Originally posted by Ganguro
no offense, but it sounds really dumb. or at least no different than every other RPG, cept for the fact that it's turn based and based off an existing familiar liscense. How is it any different than everquest, DaoC, Ragnarok, etc.....
To be perfectly honest, it is very similar to Everquest in the style of combat... But there's only so much you can do with an MMORPG when it comes to combat, because they always have to keep the combat in real time. Pretty much every single MMORPG out there can be generalized as "kill stuff, loot stuff, sell stuff, kill harder stuff, loot better stuff, sell better stuff", but that's just the nature of the whole genre. If it's not for you, it's not for you.
FFXI can fit into the same category, but they execute it with much more style than any of the other MMORPG's I've played, and it just seems higher quality than any of them. The music is great and can be compared to the music in the console FF games. My main reason for liking it so much, is that I like knowing that I'm playing a Final Fantasy game. It has the squaresoft "feeling" that everybody has grown to love or hate.
Originally posted by Akira
How many diffrent player models are there. It does get annoying in MMPORGS when everyone in the game looks alike.
There's not really a whole lot of choices in how the characters look, but it doesn't remove from the game much because the lack of variety in the characters is eclipsed by the variety of armor skins and weapon skins... There's enough different armor skins to make everybody look different. Don't get me wrong though, there's quite a bit of different combinations in how your character can look at creation, but it's nothing much more than current MMORPG's have... You pick the race, gender, then you pick the face, hairstyle, color, and body size (small, medium, large).