Stormberlin is right. The website and the catalog is the way it is because ANF's Marketing Dept. KNOWS that people (kids) like to see sex, and they know it sells. Also, they know that this not only attracts business, it stirs people up. That gets more people seeing your site/catalog and hearing your name.
Now, I also don't agree with this tactic. Therefore, when I have kids, they will NOT shop there, I won't shop there, and I won't allow my little girl to wear a thong until she doesn't live at my house anymore.
In the meantime, welcome to the world of today my friends. This is one more cog in the wheel of "social progress." I don't mean to get preachy, but this is the way it will continue to be. Morality is on the decline, and no one except the "right wing extremists" seem to care.
"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request." - Capt. Barbossa