I really don't think that asking outside opinions from complete strangers is at all helpful since every relationship is different. What's wrong in one relationship may be okay in another relationship.
But since you specifically asked for opinions, here's what I have to say:
I think that sending pictures for the sake of art is completely acceptable, but maybe that's because I dabble in art. I would feel much more comfortable asking someone who I've known for years than some random stranger from off the internet who is probably sending you pics in hopes of getting some in return. By asking someone you're close to and feel you can trust, you don't have to worry about sleazeballs harassing you for nekkid pics. There is also the fact that maybe she had a certain body type in mind and you happened to resemble it. Asking you to model would be so much easier than searching through a bunch of pictures or talking to a bunch of people online to find a similar enough body to match what she was imagining.
But she also could've been using it as an excuse to get pictures of you, though for some reason, I doubt that.
I think that you should have asked your wife if she was okay with it first or at least told her after the fact. By not telling her, you created a sense of distrust or curiousity, which is probably what inspired her to check your email.
I think that your wife looking through your email, invading your privacy, was uncalled for. She should have just confronted you about it.
You should talk these things through with her. Tell her your feelings and ask about hers. From an outside perspective, I can see lack of communication on both your parts. You should probably talk to her about this and open up the communication to avoid any further drama.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^=
Just Google It.
BA Psychology & Photography
(I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.)
Last edited by motdakasha; 08-13-2003 at 03:54 AM..