Originally posted by druptight
It's been pretty much a completely no touch zone for both of us. I wouldn't be opposed to trying it though, to see what it's like. I certainly am not all gung-ho about doing it though. If at some point she decides she's interested we'll give it a whirl though. i supopse that since we make no contact in the area though, that it's not really probable that some day she'll just want to have anal. Probably will have to start small some day... we'll see.
have you talked to her about it? i mean, I wasn't sure about the whole thing, but juan's been really gentle in easing me into the whole ass-portion of sex, and it DOES feel good, and it IS a lot of fun. I'm not saying full-blown anal right away. just brush a finger over it while your'e eatin' her out. I bet she hits the roof, if she's excited enough to start.

that's how we started. if she's not interested in that, I bet she'll let you know.