First things first.
A sports town is determined by its fans, not it's teams.
And on that note, my home town of Detroit is an excellent sports town. The only sport we don't go to up there is baseball. Otherwise, the Wings, Pistons, and Lions all have extremely busy games.
Almost any Northern, industrial city is going to be a great sports town. That's just how it is.
Originally posted by gov135
Atlanta is and has been for quite some time. People there don't attend anything. They may be able to sell out some Falcons games this year. Which is nice, cause they won't be able to sell out Braves playoff games.
I beg to differ.
Yes, Atlanta is nowhere near being a good sports town when compared to classic cities like Chicago and New York.
However, my fine city has been doing better and better lately.
Braves - They have the stands pretty full for most of the games. Yes, the novelty of having a damn good baseball team has gone down, but they still get their share of fans. We've basically had playoff games here for the past decade. Having a good baseball team is getting a little old here.

Believe me, back when the Braves first got good, even regular season tickets were extremely hard to come by.
Falcons - We sold out our first preseason game this year. It's going to be hard to get tickets to any games this season. I hope I can get my hands on some because I want to take Van to a game.
Hawks - Yeah, they suck. Even when they were somewhat decent, many people didn't go to their games
Thrashers - Started out slow, but they are picking up steam. The games that I have been to have been packed (and exciting). And with a new coach and a semi-bright horizon, attendance could pick up even more.