Oh wow! lol didnt expect this much of a response.
Im floored..Thanks guys..I guess it does add character and individualism..Lucy Lui has them? Wow..lol thanks for the pic Sticky..I can probably count them from that close up! Awsome!
Yeah, thanks to you Hobo and many other thoughtful posters, I feel better.. Plummie great advice! I will bring my friends with me..now eyeliner above the eye thing..lol im terrified I might draw on my eye or something..though I have no problems wearing contacts..lol, but I will ask them how to apply it properly.How is this ever going to work? "Hi miss, um Im 22 living in the world or makeup and beauty and yet no idea how to buy and apply makeup..Im just a few decades late..hahah so...can you help a poor soul catch up?"lol
Anyways, I had myself freaked for a while there...I thought I could've had some kinda skin cancer..but they never really grew or changed colour..oh wait? is purple a norm kinda colour to have??...