The parents are obviously wrapped in their own lives to not even see what is going on. As a parent of small ones, I have yet to face the tougher years, but it seems from talking to friends of ours that parents fall into several camps. There are the ones that are so busy that they neglect their kids. There are the ones that are completely involved in their children's lives (to the detriment of the relationship between the husband and wife). There are the ones that maintain a good balance and separation between the marriage and the caring for the children. There are all grades of these variations. My own personal belief is that people are going to do what they do and as long as it doesn't hurt others (i.e. abuse, etc) that it is none of my business. However, in this case, the children are getting hurt. It is hard to believe that a girl who would do that would ever be able to have a successful, healthy relationship later on.