if the drive just quit reading all at once you're probably up shit creek. if it will randomly read....eg. (putting the drive in another computer and being able to access info) here's a little trick. what usually happens when a drive is dying (click of death) is when it gets too hot, it quits reading. well lets keep that drive cool!!! get a couple really heavy duty plastic bags(like a heavy zip lock.) u might need some longer IDE cables and power cables to do this. (BTW this is the cheap way to do this without using refridgerated coolant systems)
Get a bucket and fill it with ice, yes i did say ice. hook the hard drive up to the cables and bag it in the zip locks. make sure the bags are good!!! NO HOLES. hanging the drive out of the comp., stuff it in the bags and put it in the ice. keep it cool and backup like a madman. trust me it works. i've used it on multiple occasions to save data on a dying drive. that is DYING drive. not DEAD. this does no good if the drive has failed completely.
well theres my 2 bits
Brian: “Ok, all we’ve gotta do is find the American Embassy, and they’ll help us get home”
Stewie: “Home? I have no intention of returning to that disgusting hovel with that intolerable woman, that fat slob, and that insufferable dog… Oh, you’re right here aren’t you? Oh well, I stand by it."