I really want to get there to super early to score the best bed.. but.. I'm a lazy fuckhead.. and KU has it set up where we get to go in alphabetical order.. my roomies last name is a B.. mine is an S.. I'm fucked.. unless she is more ofa lazyfuckhead than me!
Presently I have:
Sams Club Sized (SCS) case of water bottles
SCS box of instant rice (with seasonings! woopie!)
SCS box of gum (who doesn't want gum? Makes friends stick like gum to your shoe... right?)
SCS box of razors
SCS tubes of toothpaste
SCS bottles of Shampoo and Condition, and body soap
Xtra long twin sheets (2 sets.. in black and red.. sexy!)
black/white comforter
black desk lamp
Red Fisher Price organizer (Small) for my makeup :-P
Red Fisher Price organizer (Large) for my clothes that don't fit into the drawers provided
2 Sets of Red bath towels/ 2 sets of White bath towels
White Shower Caddy
Red (with black and white flowers on 'em) sandals that will be used as shower shoes
Picture of my Grams (who passed away 2 years ago) in a red picture frame
Cork Board- spray painted black (its neat, it has a lil picture frame in the middle. I put an old B&W photo of a christmas tree and presents.. it looks pretty.. lots of shiney things in it... mmm.. shiney..)
thumbtacks, for the board
Dry-Erase markers (there is a dry erase board already provided on the doors
Brownish Red cup I got in japan to hold my writting utensils
Silver Stapler
White Trash Can
fabric softner and laundry detergant
LOTS AND LOTS OF MIDOL!! (tmi? haha)