Tofu is a decent meat substitute when combined with veggies and rich, and some people think that soy has some benefits vis-a-vis cancer though that's not proven. But one pound at a sitting is a lot; it is _not_ low-cal.
My favorite tofu recipe: tofu/broccoli/garlic sautee.
1 head of brocolli, cut into small florets
As much garlic as you like; 5-10 cloves, diced.
1 block of tofu, cut into strips or small cubes.
Soy sauce
Cooking oil
Sautee the garlic in the oil in a pan on medium heat. Add the tofu and let it brown for a while with the oil and garlic. After about five, add the broccoli and let the whole mess cook until the floret stems turn bright green. Douse the whole mess liberally with soy sauce while cooking. If the soy sauce cooks away, add more.
Dump over rice and eat. Your apartment will smell like a Chinese restaurant.