You have quite a bit of foresight to be able to see into the future. Lets take a look:
USA admits to dropping chemical weapons on Iraq
How can we have the moral high ground when we use weapons of mass destruction on the very enemies that we are trying to remove WMD from?
Your first post, dripping with contempt for the United States.
Before I even brought it up? You've been consistant in your contempt, don't lie to me, and stop accusing me of twisting your words. This is after the fact that you had already labeled them chemical weapons, and weapons of mass destruction (they are not), continually denouncing the military as liars and hypocrites. To top it off, you proceed to attack the supporters when your intentions are uncovered.
So what are we to think? You could have worded this differently, but you chose to do so in the manner that best illustrated hate towards the military officials.