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Old 08-11-2003, 05:07 PM   #5 (permalink)
I'm no mega earthy-crunchy or anything, but here is what I would do:

forget the herbacide - solarize it...

Your plot is small enough to do the following:

Remove any larger plants you don't want and any paths or beds or edging, etc. and set your grade to where you will want your lawn. Make sure that you have enough top soil and that it is a good mix of sand and humus, etc. Now would be a good time to put in any piping if you want permanent sprinklers (system). There are easy diy kits in your hardware store - I would at least put the pipes in now.

Buy some thick poly sheeting, enough to cover your yard, and then some. This should be BLACK poly.

Mow the yard, as low as you can. You might have to get a sythe or rent a brush mower/gravely, I don't know how bad it is. Be sure the soil is about the right moisture level, not too wet, not too dry - lay out the sheeting, covering the entire yard and Put bricks or rocks, etc. around the edge to hold it down - so it won't get blown away. The sun of the late summer and early spring will "cook" or solarize the soil - killing any vegetation and seeds, grass, weed,or other. The black poly heats up the soil under to really do a great job.

Plant your grass seed in the spring. This is the best time anyway as the grass will get a jump on the weeds. Find out from garden center or club, extension service, etc. when you can first start grass seeds in the spring. Too early and it won't gertminate and will rot, too late and it won't be as good next year as you hoped. Remove the poly, rake in some air, make sure the moisture level is right in the soil, check the PH for liming, etc. and plant a HIGH QUALITY seed - the right one for your shade and traffic level. Don't buy bargain seed it is junk. Use starter fertilizer and stick to a good fert. / insecticide regime. Water every day until established or seedlings may perish. You will have a smokin' lawn!
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