Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
You're married?
You keep in touch with an ex.
You send naked pics of yourself to said ex.
Your wife finds out by accident.
And you're asking if you were wrong?!
Dude, you've got issues.
Of course it was wrong. I'm astounded you even have to ask.
Be a man, stand up and accept the fact that you did indeed screw-up.
Mr Mephisto
1. Keeping in touch with an ex isn't wrong. As long as there isn't anything more than friendship there, it's cool. Also, don't consider sending nude photos to be more than friendship; he was only trying to help her out.
2. His wife found out by accident, yes, but in all truth, it's not her business. One can't be expected to share every single minute detail about their life and that which goes on in it with their spouse. Some things don't warrant sharing, and others just don't matter at all.
3. You have no reason to be astounded. The guy only wanted an opinion, not a poorly spaced bit of garble that was more preaching than anything. He did what he thought was right, his wife disagreed. Big whoop. They'll get over it or they'll get divorced. That's all that's left to do, no? She needs to settle down and he needs to carefully plan his actions so as to not piss off the wife. Which is pretty damned sad.
4. She needs to keep her nose out of his e-mail. That's a total breach of trust, and I'd never let that go. If you can't trust the person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with, then find someone you *can* trust.
5. Mr Mephisto, please stop putting your name at the end of every post. We know who posted what by looking to the very left of the post. Ok? Thx.