If you are looking for a good recurve, Cabela's used to have a good selection of Bear recurves. Bass Pro Shops also has a fairly good selection.
I have to disagree with Jadedgrin, IMO recurves are better bows to hunt with. Just because of the way I shoot. If you shoot traditional (no sights, stabilizer, or any other fancy junk) It is impossible to beat a recurve.
Another thing to take into consideration is whether you will use a release or not. If not, make sure your bow is at least 46" from axle to axle or your fingers will pinch. Most compound bows today aren't that wide. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Oneida.
After you get your bow picked out, arrow selection is next. One thing I have learned in all my years of hunting is don't skimp on arrows. Arrow choice will depend on your bow. With a recurve wood is a good choice. My father has also had very good luck with Gold Tip fiberglass/carbon composite arrows. I personally shoot Easton XX78 superlite aluminum arrows out of my compound bow with very good results. But then it is all a matter of personal preference, shooting style and use.
AS for extras and doo-dads, it depends on what you are using your bow for. If you intend to hunt, remember, the more shit you have on it, the more can go wrong and ruin a hunt.
Sorry for the long response, but that was about as general as I could get it. If anyone wants more specific info, PM me.