Great work Speed_Gibson. Surviving any hurricane has got to be a challenge - regarless of the size of your ship. Working to save others in crisis in such weather is almost unbelievably dangerous.
I was on the USS Carl Vinson (aircraft carrier) on a transit to Hawaii from Alameda, CA. Many of the fighter pilots were pretty new to carrier takeoffs and landings so we only worked the flight deck close to either shore so if an airplane could not be recovered on deck it could fly to a land based airport.
In a small boat I took a tiny 14 ft. Kona catermaran off the beach in Ensenada into Bahia de Los Totos Santos - probably a mile or a bit more. Got close enough to some migrating grey whales to give me the willies.
"I'd like to meet the person who invented sex and see what they're working on now."
-Groucho Marx