I've been doing a little research online I'll be purchasing a bottle shortly, so after I give it a whirl I'll be sure post a review.
What I've learned is the top-notch stuff will set you back about $225.00 a bottle. It's the Suisse La Bleue. It's made by bootleggers in Western Switzerland.
If you are new to the world of absinthe, I recommend buying one of the Spanish absinthes like Deva and/or
the French Oxygenee, Emile, or Francois Guy along with any of the Suisse La Bleues to compare sensation and
All Things Absinthe
I've corresponded with the webmaster of this site and she's all business... If you're looking to acquire some absinthe from someone in the states and not hassle with all the overseas crap, this looks like the place to go...