Thank you Twisted Fate. I was going to research it, but you beat me too it. Thank you.
Back on subject: In a lot of this man's points I believe to be valid. Despite being black, I listen to very little (i.e. none) mainstream hip hop. I just couldn't get into (I listen to mostly metal/emo/punk/etc.). I honestly feel that the black community as a whole is forcefeed this crap (yes, a majority of mainstream rap is crap) that they don't even know why they listen to it. Are there expections? Yes, but they are too few and far between.
Actually, from my exprience, I've gotten more shit from black folk about acting "white" (music choice / talking proper) than from white people. Is every black person a wannabe thug? No of course not, but a number of individuals accept the ghetto/thug-life as norm which is a pity. I don't think the music is all to blame, I think it is just a hint that there is a bigger problem.
paramedics fell into the wound
like a rehired scab at a barehanded plant
an anesthetic penance beneath
the hail of contraband