Originally posted by wombatman
Sorry, I don't have a 3prong outlet anywhere close enough to test that out. Like I said, the best I can do is plug it into a power strip and use a converter. I have a 420 watt power supply on the computer. My other desktop is set up in the same manner. I have a power strip with a cpu, monitor, speakers, and printer all plugged into it, and I've never had this problem.
Because the problem seems to be related to the "noisy" computer's case or mobo being badly earthed.
It's entirely possible that the same setup, but with two different PCs, will result in one noisy, one quiet.
The easiest way to test this is to properly earth the "noisy" PC.
Can you not at least move it to a different socket for testing purposes?
Is there a radiator nearby (with exposed metal) that you could string some cable to, again for testing? I wouldn't suggest doing this to solve the problem, but a badly earthed case can cause a lot of problems. Interference on speakers is perhaps the most common.
Mr Mephisto