Christ the way people are talking on this thread is a great reason why people hate our arrogance.
Great, I just LOVE all the arguments being thrown out on both sides here.
First - napalm isn't a chemical weapon - well technically it is but its no in the same department as the chemical weapons for WMD (as in sarin, mustard gas, etc.).
Second - the argument that the Iraqi's deserve it and what not is overshadowed by another fact (see below) - and laughing about other people being burned (hell these were supposed to be our 'allies' who were to rise up and join us) isn't so great if you end up on the receiving end (i think we should see our country lose a few wars, get bobmed at home repeatedly, then everyone here won't feel so high and proud anymore..).
Now the point of this thread is, NOT that the U.S. used it - but rather the fact that the GOV'T said that it DIDN'T use it - only now to have people come out and say that they DID indeed use it.
To me, thats the disturbing part - what other weapons did they use? Some Iraqi's said we used the neutron bomb on them - farfetched somewhat, but others say not really - they claimed the soldiers turned into skeletons instantly at the airport at baghdad, hence the "mass" units there suddenly disappeared.
I find that somewhat farfetched BUT its possible - a neutron bomb is very very clean, leaves little radiation, does not damage structures, and so its very possible.
But thats whats disturbing - the fact the gov't lies repeatedly. And don't make an argument that the other party lies too - its a fact that all of them lie, but thats what is bad - the gov't is willing to deceive the people to get its ends.
Some democracy we live in eh.