1) There could be switchable filters for children or separate PC's for children's use. Any adult should have unrestricted access. I would say this would extend to being allowed to decide what filters are appropriate for their own children.
2) Other than laws already in place for the protection of minors, there should be no restriction on books of any kind. This is a slippery slope -- where would you start restricting?? ..... and where would you decide to end??
3) Unless and until a constitutional amendment is passed, which is highly unlikely, the first amendment is what we have to protect us. I believe (and truly hope) there would be a revolution of sorts if an amendment were drafted that started to remove elements from the first amendment -- and I don't think it would ever receive enough support to pass. The only good thing about an official attack on the first amendment might be that the sleeping hordes of Americans would wake up to the dangers facing them.
P.S. -- I think when Ashcroft disappears, so will the motivation to screw with our personal freedoms (unless he's replaced with another extreme rightwing fundamentalist).