I think CA will be a media circus for the next 2 months will not have much chance of a beneficial result.
I don't live in CA or know many of the details about Davis, but I do remember when CA took it's first and most significant financial tumble. It was during the energy crisis when Enron and other Texas energy companies were looting CA and bankrupting it's energy resources. Bush didn't lift a finger to help CA even after all the illegal activities were obvious (not a surprise given his dislike for the state that refused to support him). It was said that the Republicans feared Davis was getting too powerful and perhaps would become a force is national politics; perhaps even against Bush in 2004. It was further reported that the administration helped to pin the energy debacle on Davis as a means to destroy him and his political future. If any of this is so, then they have engineered a successful coup.
I used to live in Arizona and was generally embarassed by the gubernatorial antics in that state. I'm just glad I am not in CA now!!