I have to admit to a great deal of skepticism at pictures (too many ways to doctor the darn things) but I have seen some video of moving lights that are damned hard to explain.
It comes down to two factors.
One, can we be so egotistical as to think there are no planets in the universe where there are no intelligent life.
Carl Sagan did a better job of the numbers but the basic idea was that if only one solar system in 500,000 had the right circumstances for life to flourish and only 1 in 500,000 of those developed into sentient beings, then only 1 in 500,000 of those reached our level of tech then there would still be thousands of planets with beings who are trying to raise kids and pay the mortgage.
The tougher part is the speed of light.
I have seen many theories on how the beat the problem of huge distances and the wall created by the speed of light but I don't think we are going to be solving that problem for a very long time.
So while I think they are out there, I'm not so sure that they care we are here.
My one side thought is that when the speed of light problem is broken we will have a form of time travel. Perhaps our visitors are humans checking out their ancient ancestors.