Originally posted by Phaenx
Ho, ho. Neo-Conservatives are we now?
Curiosity: just what do you really know about neoconservatism, Phaenx? Do you know who Leo Strauss was? Ever hear of the Project for the New American Century? Do you know that you might just have heard of some of its members? Do you know how long the organization has been pushing for war in Iraq? I can provide you with all of this information, if you wish.
I'm pretty sure that what hiredgun was trying to say was that the reasons publicly given on this board have pretty much dovetailed with neoconservative philosophy, yours included. That's not to say that you *are* a neoconservative, but that what you've stated on the topic of Iraq has been pretty much the neocon party line.
Just my opinion, but I think you're overreacting to the name "neo-conservative." It's not an insult, nor is it a "partisan attack" - it's a known, clearly defined school of political thought.