all i can really tell you is what i know from personal experience.
i ran a p3 450 chip for years and years, and was delighted with it. i also have a p4 1.7 chip that i put in a box for my family to use. i'm running an XP 1900+ which runs at about 1600mhz. and lastly i have a celeron 900 chip in another machine.
i'm more than happy with the AMD chip, as it's has never given me any problems, or reasons or reconsider my purchase. i'll also add that when i bought it, it was very, very well priced. i can't recall exactly, but something like 60 bucks CAD.
the p4 is fine, i have no complaints, but i also have nothing to say that would put it much higher up on the scale compared to the AMD.
now for the celeron... well at least it was inexpensive. it genuinely think that the p3 450 performs just as well as the celeron 900. i bought it because the box i was making was just a work horse, to be abused and speed wasn't really criucial, and the celeron does the job. mainly because it was cheap. but i would hate to use a celeron in a pc i used often.
now remember, these chips are all at least a year or so old right now, but if the performance means anything to you, well take it for what it's worth.
also, as the others have said, it truly does depend on your price range. but i personally would not reccomend a celeron. amd, or p4 would do you just fine. but i would never buy another celeron.
hope that helps.