Originally posted by The_Dude
well, if the democrats are disatisfied by the governorship, they have the constitutional right to start a recall, as the republicans are doing right now.
i agree that some of the things that davis did were not pleasing to everyone or even correct, but that's not enough to recall him.
Originally posted by Shagg
State Democrats are saying that they will immediately launch a recall initiative if their party doesn't retain the office. This is an arbitrary statement saying they don't give a damn about how a replacement performs, they just want one of their own in office.
They are going to be displeased if they don't win. They are not going to give the successor a chance to do anything before taking action to start a recall.
Davis has hurt my quality of life. He has hurt the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of Californians. Utility costs are one of the reasons I had to move back in with family several years back. His plan to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses is an insult. He has undermined any efforts to control our illegal immigrant population. He overspent the budget surplus we had from his predecessor and had no plan beyond additional taxes to fund the jobs he created. He and his party have made it increasingly difficult for any business in California to do business.
The legal taxpaying population of California has actually shrunk under the leadership of Davis. Movie production has moved to Canada, defense industry has moved to Nevada, Arizona and Washington. Hospitals are closing because they can't continue to give free healthcare to illegals. Power costs are still much higher than they should be. Teachers are getting laid off, class sizes are increasing and college tuition is increasing in cost so that the part time student can't afford to go anymore and the debt burden of the full time student is unbearable.
Please, somebody show me all these benifits that Davis has made to my life and the lives of others. Show me how he has improved the state. Show me how the Democratic party has improved the lives of the people who actually pay the taxes. Both my parents are lifelong union members my dad is Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers union and my mom is Classified School Employees, I personally work in healthcare. My family works hard and yet the more taxes we pay, the less benefit we see from them.
Doctors are quiting because they can't afford the cost of insurance. Businesses can't afford the cost of workers comp. Certain areas are trying to pass "living wage" laws which will shut down many of the small businesses that depend on unskilled workers.
Davis and others work to shut down the comercial hunting and fishing industries, when its taxes and licensing fees from this very industry that pay for the majority conservation efforts. Department of Fish and Game is operating at a profit because of hunters and fishermen paying for licenses. How will the elimination of Hunting and Fishing help the state when those revenues are no longer available.
No matter what spin you put on it, Davis essentially rigged the last election. He took out the best man for the job before he even had a chance to run against him. Davis spent more money helping Bill Simon against Richard Riordan in the Primary than he did actually campaigning against Bill Simon in the General Election.