you left out a little bit there, my friend.
if your budget isnt in for the 200+$ processors then AMD does in fact perform a bit better.
a 50-70$ AthlonXP will out perform a pentium at the same price..
like what has been said before. The main difference is what you want. If you don't have the $$$ then go with a celeron or an AMD chip, but if money isnt an issue (or not as much of one) then go with Pentiums since they are a lot cooler.
I personally wouldnt buy a high end AMD chip just because the price difference between a high end and a midlevel amd chip is so enormous. I personally went from a pentium to an AMD and find it just fine. Just watch the heat a bit is all, but of course, I didnt want to spend more than 100$ on a chip so that limits one's options.
"All that we can do is just survive.
.All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive." - Rush