I actually signed the petition and I am not a Republican.
But lets clarify some stuff here. Recall initiatives have been successfully used in the past in California on a local level. Just read the end of Phaenx's post for the names (10 posts up).
Davis is arguably one of the most experienced politicians in the California and has held 2 of the highest offices in the state prior to becoming Governor. He was State Controller as well as Lt. Governor. He spent 6 years as Governor Jerry Brown's (Governor Moonbeam) Chief of Staff, and spent 4 years in the State Assembly.
Viewing the success he has achieved with his wealth of experience, is it any wonder people want (and will elect in my opinion) an inexperienced political outsider?
This is without a doubt the most publicized recall initiative ever, and it will undoubtedly lead to further ones. Keep in mind though that every Governor since Reagan has had an attempted recall. People now realize the power that they hold and will be more inclined to exercise it.
The State Assembly really needs to take a hard look at the recall laws in place now and make an effort to reform them. $3500 is not a sufficient filing fee, 25k+ is more realistic as well as a significantly larger number of signiatures. Seriously, if a prospective candidate can't raise 25k from supporters, then they don't have what it takes to hold office. This will mainly serve keep out the "joke" candidates.
Now here's something that really pisses me off...
State Democrats are saying that they will immediately launch a recall initiative if their party doesn't retain the office. This is an arbitrary statement saying they don't give a damn about how a replacement performs, they just want one of their own in office. California politicians as a whole are pretty fucked up, but the Democrats really take the cake right now. They were caught blatently making an effort to prolong the budget crisis (and I can back this up with numerous sources for those that didn't hear about this) so that the voters would give them the power to pass the budget with a simple majority rather than a 2/3 vote. This means they will no longer need a 2/3 vote of the House to raise taxes. Picture this... Governor Davis hires 35,000 more people after a statewide hiring freeze (which was in place because the state had no money {and yes, this really happened}) the House only needs a 51% vote to take more money from masses to pay for Davis's excesses.
In a nutshell he told the Highway Patrol, State Police, Department of Forestry etc. that they couldn't hire more officers/rangers/firefighters and then proceded to create and hire for 35,000 bureaucratic jobs.
Sorry if I went off on a bit of a rant there, but I think it was justified.