Originally posted by cetacean
Spartak... Nadsat does mean "teen" in Russian. I took russian language course for seven years, it would be easier to explane this if russian language used english letters, but it does not. Anyway, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, etc... is pronounced: odeeNADSAT, dveNADSAT, treNADSAT, cheteerNADSAT, pitNADSAT, shastNADSAT. Since I can't type cyrilic, these are just my best guess of how to spell these numbers, but you get the point...
Ooh, firstly that's nice.
Secondly, I was born in Russia, and lived there for a long long time.
I thought you meant "teen" as in "teenager", which I thought was just plain ridiculous as the common Russian term for "teenager" is "podrostock" which I'm sure you are aware of.
And its not pronounced NAD (as in testicle, a somewhat New Zealand expression) SAT (as in sitting down) as such, more like Nahd-tzat/tzit (with a soft sound on the ending consonant). Which is why I couldn't grasp how could NADSAT have anything to do with "teen".
I guarantee, if you come up to a Russian and ask them what "nadsat" means, they will probably keep walking. As it is taken out of context.
Carry on.