Wuestof knives are great; we have a couple and they always work well, very strudy, good weight, and have a good feel.
I admit it, I was a big dork and got a job selling Cutco knives. You basically become a door to door salesman, and I stopped doing it. But the fact is, they are indeed amazing knives (I won't start ranting about all the benefits - there was indeed a lot of brain washing during training). The best part was, I got a 11 piece set for only 140-ish dollars (which I would use to show the products to potential customers)(It's awesome having my own full set of knives at college to use) and even after I stopped selling I got to keep the set. Yeah, it seems like a scam some how (because of the marketing and selling technique - highschool and college kids) but if you have a chance to buy them, they are probably the best you can get.
'Charmant, respektlos, und immer betrunken.'