Originally posted by Zeld2.0
really though - do most californians acutally want the recall? I'd say most don't even care.
Right now I'm voting against the recall but I'm casting my vote for Arianna. I listened to Gary Coleman tonight and he had some
really good ideas. He was very sensible and exactly the type of person who
should be in office. He explained that he was only on the ballot because a group of his fans asked him to do it for them--they paid the fees and now he's here.
I feel the following qualities constitute a very important part to true democracy:
1) grass roots
2) pick your person at the local level
3) sponsor that person without a load of campaigns (he's only going to travel around to answer questions when he's asked which is quite different from paying large sums of money to media corporations)
I really liked his idea about how we could implement desalination plants that produce energy (he said Florida uses them now) and I hope his ideas are picked up and implemented by the mainstream candidates.