I was being facetious. My point is that the Japanese would have used the bomb without any hesitations. The Japanese scientists were interested in the bomb. They knew right away that the Americans had dropped an A-Bomb when they saw the devastation. I'm sure they would have loved having the bomb.
I know that the Germans were not to close in obtaining the bomb. The head of the German atomic research was captured after the Germans surrendered and brought to England. He was being interegated by MI-6 when he heard news of the explosions in Japan. He was shocked to learn that the Americans had actually created an atomic bomb.
You make a good point about the Americans only having 2 A Bombs. Don't you think the invasion would have been alot easier after we dropped the bombs than if we had not dropped the bombs? The Japanese civilians may have not fought as hard after the bombings. Just the threat of the Americans dropping future bombs would hold their resolve.
I'm "Glad I Ate Her" because the payback was worth it!!