I dont think its as sinister as you may think. I feel his point of reference for things happens to many times include his ex's feeling, views, experiences. I mean he did date her for a over a year. Thats a long time . In that time he formed opinions from her experiences and heard her views about many things. Its no diff. if his best freind went to disneyland and relayed an opinion to him. "BUT" you should try to bring this up to him and tell him how it makes you feel. However; if hes like most guys you may have to find the right time and place to approach him(from a fellow guy good luck finding that right time). We as a species tend not to deal well with these situations. Good luck and dont stress too much about it. In fact next time he brings up Kelly in a response to something , ask a folow up ; like " Really, where did she stay in Disneyland, who do she go with , when , why, etc. etc. After that he may not bring up her name anymore for fear of the innocent follow up questions you may have.