Hi Girl,
I think the problem is not so much that she still likes him, if you're with him he must have some likeable qualities right? The problem is that you don't trust him. If you trusted him, his talking to the ex wouldn't be a problem.
You don't trust him because you feel that at the start of the relationship he cheated on you with her, so what's to stop him doing it again? (correct me if I'm wrong).
I think you need to sit him down and talk to him, and yes, explain how you feel about his continued relationship with the ex.
Also, boys are notoriously thick at times and they can't read minds, he may think he's got the coolest g/f in the world because she lets him hang out with his ex. You have to let him know how you feel and see how the cookie crumbles.
You could ask him how he'd feel if you still hung around with an ex b/f. You could appeal to his ego and come out with the truth and say "Honey, I don't like you talking so much with that girl, it makes me jealous especially since I know you both continued things for awhile after breaking up". Don't start blaming him because it will probably put him on the defensive and you won't get anywhere.
Good luck with it Girl.