Ignorant Computer Expert
last year, i was working as an on-site computer technician. we did repairs on the hardware side, as well as on the software side of things. we even set up networks.
well, mid october of 2002, we were in the process of migrating a client's server from an nt server to a newer, faster dell server with windows server2k. while i was delivering the server, an employee at the client's location thought he would sound smart and come ask me some questions.
him...'what's that?'
me...'it's your new server.'
him...'is it better?'
me...'it's newer, faster and it has a newer operating system, windows 2000 server'
him...'oh, is it for Y2K?'
i could barely contain myself. it's near the end of 2002 now man. if it took us 2 years to resolve a y2k issue, you would have known about it and we'd be out of business.
well, thought i'd share with you all.