Originally posted by Menoman
The people that are being completely closed minded..
I'd like to see you have to watch your grandfather in a bed barely able to speak trembling of fear and then dying right in front of your face. All after 3 months of suffering in the hospital bed.
I can promise you, you wouldnt be so closed minded.
I like to think of this issue in terms of science. Say everyone with disease X was suddenly killed off because they were suffering too much. What then? What about the research that was going in involving X disease? What if it suddenly resurfaces one day? What then? Just let it spread and do its damage again? Sure, you may know someone who suffered every single day until they died, and you may have been there 24/7 to see them suffer should not be sufficient to make you think that suicide is okay. Also, recall what Mr. Lincoln said!!!
"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to
deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." -
Abraham Lincoln
See!! Gotta keep fighting, god damn it! Don't kill yourself, or you will just send out a message of cowardism. Fight to the bitter end and people will remember you for how fucking tough you were! What isn't respectable about that?