Originally posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
Personally i wouldn't mind it if someone said that around me. But if someone asked me not to say it i would be nice enough not to say it around them. I mean i'm not gonna keep saying it just to piss that person off. That seems like something a child would do.
Just my opinion
Yuppersness. A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?) Anyways, I try not to even mention anything remotely religious-based when I'm around him because I'd rather keep him as a friend than make an enemy out of him. But just about any other time I'd use god's name in vain without a second though

Also, if you read "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" (damned good book by Robert A. Heinlein) you might pick up the silly habit of saying "bog" instead of "god"-- I know
I did!