spend the $$$ on a professional house inspector and listen to what he says. Also make sure that your p&s states that you get your money back if the inspector gives bad report, etc.
The main reason to have a home inspector is to help remove the emotion from your decision. You will "fall for" a house and make an emotional decision to buy it. This happens to almost everyone - no shame in it. The home inspector will give you a dose of reality and put a price tag on the problems that might burn through the emotion of "loving" the house. It saved me.
Another thing that saved me was having my own lawyer review and make revisions to the p&s. Otherwise you are signing a contract that was made to favor the realtor, etc. and not you.
Another thing that saved me was having my own lawyer do a real title search, etc. This way, they found a missing party to an estate that the bank lawyers missed and I bought title insurance. BTW, buy title insurance for yourself. The mortgage makes you buy it for the bank - fun. you should have it for yourself.
After you buy - go to the county deed registry, etc. and file for the "homestead act" I'm no expert, do more research, but this protects you up to 150k or more so you won't lose your house so easily. Also, get an umbrella personal liability insurance - cheap and can save you from losing your house if someone sues your ass.
all for now...