Originally posted by frankx
I have learned that I have to be very selective about what I choose to watch with my GF. It sucks because I have a very, shall we say, eclectic taste in movies.
We watched Lost Highway and she hasn't stopped giving me shit about it.
She thoroughly refused to sit through Mulholland Drive.
Our viewing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail was a complete disaster of an evening.
.... Since then I just watch my "weird" movies by myself.
hihii...you're like me and my bf, but opposite.
i'm really picky about movies..i usually consult the imdb so i don't waste my time on crap..and i prefer weird/disturbing/thriller/drama type movies...
my bf, he'll watch most anything...
except david lynch. i love david lynch.
...one of these years, i'll try the saran-wrap trick on my bf with my lynch flicks
Holy Grail..ah, we both love that one. hilarious shit.
"chick flicks"? bah, i hate em. eeew.
Originally posted by Drider_it
three words
Natural Born Killers
and any movie that has a naked chick in it..
1. NBK is a great movie!
2. no nekkid chicks, eh? so...you don't watch porn with your gf, i take it.
poor guy.
oh...and someone mentioned Resevoir Dogs as another 'not with the gf'.
wtf? that is another Great Film!
*shakes head*...
wimmin...i just don't understand em...