Quite a few years before the B.C. / A.D. crossover, a couple of guys with nothing better to do (I think their names were Steve and Larry) decided it would be a great idea to gather a couple of stones at the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England and arrange them in a very interesting and mysterious pattern. Now, this might not sound very impressive if it were not for the fact that the stones ranged in size from 4 to 60 tons and came from mountains hundreds of miles away. What's even more impressive is this whole operation was done by hand, since the Mack Truck hadn't been invented just yet. But what was the point, what was it all about?
After thousands of years, the world's best achaeologists, philosophers, anthropologists and UFO-ologists struggled to solve this mystery but have failed time after time. That is, until now. And because I have no interest in building this up any more... Stonehenge is a giant vagina.