Okay, so since I posted this thread I've done some more research, obtained a bottle, and of course tried it.
I'll try to answer some of the questions I've seen in this thread.
Absinthe was a popular drink for many years in the U.S. until, due to politics and speculation about its saftey (not due to scientific research), it was banned by the Deparment of Agriculture in 1912.
And it remains banned to this day. However with the advent of the internet and the revival of Absinthe in Europe you can now order Absinthe over the web. They will ship it to your front door. Since it isn't cocaine or anything customs isn't that strict about the stuff so there's probably not a huge risk of it getting confiscated. BUT THERE IS STILL A RISK.
There are importers who reside in the U.S. that you can buy from but you will have to pay a premium.
From what I've read at present the best stuff is the Swiss Absinthe. Don't be fooled by companies selling bottles they call Swiss Absinthe, because the real stuff is only made by bootleggers in Switzerland and is hard to find (meaning you probably won't be able to buy it over the web).
French and Spanish made absinthe come next in quality and are much easier to find then the Swiss. They do, however, contain more chemicals, and have a lower thujone content.
Czech made absinthe comes at the bottom of the list in every review I read. People say that it is a step down from drinking straight windex (this is probably why you can't make it taset good, EDMOS1) and it will probably make you loopy not necessarily due to the thujone content, but because of the amount of chemicals they put in it. It is as easy to obtain as the French and Spanish stuff.
Finally, the Valhalla of Absinthe is the original Vintage French Pernod from the late 1800/early 1900's. This stuff is quite rare and probably only obtainable from private collectors. And if you do find it expect to shell out $1400 or higher for one bottle. Of course you'll be getting an Absinthe that has easily the highest thujone content of all the absinthes on the market today.
Now if you get some nasty absinthe, there's no amount of sugar in the world that will make it taste good. But here's how the french used to drink it:
-Pour one ounce of absinthe into a glass.
-Set a sugar cube over the glass using a spoon.
-Pour 1-3 three ounces, according to your tastes, of ice cold water over the sugar cube into the glass.
-By doing this you should get a louche or what looks like a milky substance in the glass.
-Drop the sugar cube in the glass mash it and stir.
-Drink and enjoy.
using this method I've come to like the taste (it's extremely similar to Sambuca, however, when taken straight, much harsher)
According to most of the info on it most of the modern absinthe companies in europe produce bottles with a 10-20 mg./kg thujone content. This is due to some strict laws limiting the amount of thujone they can put in their absinthe.
The Swiss bootleggers supposedly produce absinthe with a 50-75 mg./kg thujone content and no chemicals. However their absinthe only has a 50-55% alcohol content which is on the midlow end when compared to other brands on the market.
Just to give you some perspective the vintage stuff that Van Gogh and Hemingway drank had a 256 mg./kg thujone content. whoa.
When I first tried it I felt like I was nailed to my couch and I took a short nap. Although the efeect didn't last long it deffinitely hit harder than most liquors I've had. I've had it one other time (just got the bottle a day and a half ago) and got very sleepy that time also. I haven't gone crazy or halucinated.....yet.
So after spending a little over a week on that (yeah, I'm a little obsessive with my hobbies....yes, this is a hobby) I can finally get back to my job. Now what was it I did again?
If anyone one has any more questions I strongly reccomend that you read over tfbrown69's post (thanks again) and check out this site:
Any info on buying the stuff can be found there. Do the research and you will be happy.
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you waive any rights you posses as a human and you may face jail time or time with said hairy monkeys. Lets add a couple ambersands && some of these U.S.C. § 4557 § . And some more of these for good measure § § § § § § § § § § § § § § . :man: :woman: :cake: :drink: And we're done.