I did up untill about 4 or 5 months ago...
I played for over 3 1/2 years.... I never played alot, maybe 2-3 hours a few nights a week, but then my playing time fell to none when my son was born. I fell to far behind and after not playing a few days, I found I really didnt want to play anymore. I ended up giving all my stuff to a guy I had played with pretty much the whole time and cancel'd my account havent played since... I was kinda looking forward to Horizons but I don't know, I just don't like the time you have to give in order to play and MMORPG. I have been playing RPG that i play for an hour, save my game and come back tommorrow.
I played a lvl 56 monk on vallon zek... I never really lvled him up much cause I always just wandered around the world explorering.