I spank my child under certain conditions. 1. Only hard enough to hurt some - never enough to leave marks. 2. Only under circumstances where disobedience would put her in physical danger (ie. running into the road) 3. Not in anger. 4. With a spoken explanation before and after and a hug and cuddle afterwards.
I have found that with my girl sending her to her room for just a minute or two is more effective at least at this age than a spanking is. She is not quite three but timeouts and spankings aren't near as effective and completely separating her from me for just a minute. It also gives me time to calm down if the disobedience was upsetting to me. She has a high pain threshold and can scrap her knee but get up and keep playing while getting blood all over her clothes. Spanking isn't going to get much attention if a bloody knee doesn't get any either. Some children are more sensitive to it and it may work better for them. It depends on the child, the situation, and the parents. No matter what I would never do it in anger or leave a mark. That isn't necessary. The child must always know that we love them and why they are being punished.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.