I know of four type of fondue:
1. Cheese. Self explanatory.
2. Chocolate. Again SE
3. Chinoise. Beef Broth heated and used to cook chunked meat.
4. Bourginione (sp?). Oil heated and used to cook chunked meat.
I could have those last two reversed....I'm doubting myself.
As for sauces, I always like to have a variety of yummy sauces for the meat after "fondueing" e.g:
1. A nice garlic cream cheese sauce.
2. A delicious bernaise sauce.
3. A tangy gingery soy sauce
4. A scrumptous honey mustard sauce
5. A spicey horseradish sauce
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.
Last edited by j8ear; 03-23-2004 at 09:22 PM..