I concur whole heartedly on the vest suggestion. Point Blank would be my choice and I would keep the hard points on board at all times.
Can't stress train, train, train enough. Unless you know how to use effectively whatever weapon you possess...it is useless.
Don't know much about Israel and it's 'settlements' but I would start with an H&K PDW. Easily brief case concealed (I do not advocate such a concealment mind you) with caliber configs suitable for most tastes...all in lethal doses. Easy to handle, quick to train on and deadly as a m$$ther-f##ker.
I'm sure the Israeli's have come up with something similar and location and availablity of upgrades should always be a consideration. The Israeli's are experienced with the sort of protections they need and have tailored they're gun-smithing appropriately.
Probably the best advice I could offer is...check with your neighbors...they'll know the haps better then anyone.
Can't imagine ANY better defense in that God-foresaken place then vigilance.
Best of luck and never let your guard down,
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.