Originally posted by cpomdima
Wow, I can't believe Tool was menioned in this thread ot once but about three times! It would surpise me to see them at all in this forum, let alone "bands I would like to see people not listen too".
Can you tool-haters care to elaborate on your feelings? I am really interested. I always thought they were a band you liked, knew-of and sorta liked, or never knew or cared existed.
But listed here in this forum, I am seriously intrigued.
Yes, tool is my favorite band. BUT Yes, I am interested in your opinion.
cpondima man, that's gotta be one of the most mature posts I've ever seen in this kind of situation. I will try to respond with an equal amount of respect.
Tool is very strange. Which is not necessarily a bad, Sonic Youth are very strange and they always manage to make awesome music. The difference is, Tool seems to concentrate on trying to make their sound weird, always using 5/8 rhythmes and getting the mathematicians and such. It's as though they try so hard to be different, and don't get me wrong, technically it's amazing, but musicaly it's just not good. The music itself just seems to fit more into enginneering than art.
The lyrics are on the opposite end of the spectrum. They are remenecent of teen goth poetry. There seems to be no real depth to it, it just all sort of consist of obvious morbidity references, cliché metaphores (ex: talking about phisical pain to demonstrate mental anguish), and just an all-around Dungeons & Dragons-ish quest-like feel to it.
In the end, things such as morbidity, metaphores and being different are some of the coolest things about some of my favorite bands, I just feel as though Tool uses it in a very unproffesional way.
But that's just my opinion, the reasons I hate them may be the reasons you like them. I due respect their talent as musicians and artistic vision for videos, just not the music.
I can't speak for everyone who hates Tool, but that's what I think anyway. I hope it is helpful.