Great time waster
If you want to really chew up some time try this:
I call it the Game Chain (real creative, I know)
Play all the standard games on your computer in a row. Example: Solitaire, Minesweeper, Freecell, Hearts
Here are the rules: You MUST beat all the games in a row. If you lose at any point in the game chain you have to go back to the beginning. So in the above example if I got to Freecell and lost, I'd have to go back to Solitaire and start over.
You can add whatever small games your computer has to the chain. And you can put them in any order you want, but once you start the game you have to stick with the chosen order of games. You can also choose whatever level of difficulty (like with minesweeper) you want for the games.
It's simple and it wastes much time.
Time yourself and try to do it faster each time you play. Of course there's always the possibility of it taking forever since there are so many chances to lose. But, hey, that's where the challenge is.