For all the money the yankees spend, the got Spanked on the season series by Oakland -- the team with 1/3 the payroll of the Yanks. The yanks have gotta be shitting themselves, cause if Oakland passes Seattle in the west, the pinstripes will have their stripes removed by the best pitching staff in baseball. In a 7 game series, having to face a team with Starting ERA's right at about 3.0 (2.6, 3.0, 3.3, 1.3, 4.5), the Yanks have gotta be freaking out. Up that payroll to 200 mil, or just acquire Billy Beane from the A's to replace your piece o' shit GM. Otherwise you're gonna get your asses handed to you. Holy fuck, Yanks would be the worst damned team in the league if a salary cap was instituted.
And damn, it will be funny if the Sox catch the Yanks and NY enters as a wild card...