Originally posted by Zeld2.0
From CA I can say that it'll be shit regardless who gets elected - because the recall election is costing ore than the actual budget crisis all i can say is - whoever gets elected is only getting into more shit and 90% likely won't be fixing the problems.
And who knows honestly, there are so many voters in CA who don't vote but if they actually feel the need to for some reason the Dem's will have the # advantage here.
Ok, the budget crisis is 56 billion in the hole. This election is going to cost around 60-70 million at the outside. That amounts to what 2 bucks a piece for California residents?
Democrats don't have a decent candidate to run, only posibility is if Fienstein changes her mind and runs. Riordan isn't going to run against Arnold. Issa and Simons are extreme right wing conservatives so they don't have a chance. And just to give you guys an idea of how much support Davis has... he narrowly won against Simons, which considering how far to the right Simons is, was very surprising. If Davis's smear campaign against Riordan hadn't of given the republican candidacy to Simons, Riordan would have become governor.
Oh and btw, Arnold has a Bachelors degree in business from University of Wisconsin. (which he received before he started acting.)