Originally posted by butthead
Which is a problem with prohibition, not with meth, and since you So now meth is all dangerous because of possible low doses of chemicals I could most likely find in much larger amount in a pack of cigarettes (oh that's IF dirty girl makes meth, which she doesn't, that's why she's dirty girl). I also don't buy from dirty girl and have no reason to believe any methamphetamine I would or have bought contained any precursor chemicals any deadlier than I would find in a cigarette.
Can't figure out how a "dirty"girl got mixed into this discussion or what your point was. Also, comparing cigarettes to crystal meth is not even a worthwhile subject to debate.
Unless you want to have a controlled study of the overall health (mental and physical) effects of smoking to a group of 1,000 people versus the effects of crystal on 1,000 people. And if you do... let's make it PPV and make a couple bucks off it.